Saturday, January 30, 2016

Art at the airport, the whims of Ken Nintzel

As translated by Span!shD!ct
I have also included the spanish version for additional interpretation and context 

Arte en el aeropuerto, los caprichos de Ken Nintzel
En la Terminal J del Aeropuerto Internacional de Miami (MIA) puede verse una pieza del artista estadounidense Ken Nintzel
La obra refleja el interés del artista por el misterio del cosmos
Nintzel ha logrado la metamorfosis estelar y su consiguiente apariencia figurativa

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Art at the airport, the whims of Ken Nintzel In Terminal J of Miami International Airport (MIA) can be seen in a part of the American artist Ken Nintzel
The work reflects the artist's interest by the mystery of the cosmos
Nintzel achieved stellar metamorphosis and their consequent figurative appearance

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Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Cassiopeia the Vain Queen

Cassiopeia the Vain Queen
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"Cassiopeia was the wife of Cepheus, king of Ethiopia (see previous post) and mother of Andromeda. She was a queen of matchless beauty, and seemed to be sensible of it, for she even boasted herself fairer that Juno, the sister of Jupiter, or the Nereides, a given name to the sea nymphs.

This so provoked the ladies of the sea that they complained to Neptune of the insult, who sent a frightful monster (the constellation Cetus, the sea monster) to ravage the coast as a punishment for her insolence. In addition, Neptune demanded the a sacrifice of Cassiopeia's daughter Andromeda.

 Because of the circumpolar motion of the stars, the Queen often suffers the humiliating position of standing on her head.

She was placed, as legend runs, in this cruel position in the heavens by her enemies the sea nymphs.

Cepheus, Cassiopeia, Perseus, Pegasus and Andromeda
the so-called "Royal Family" of Starland."

from Star Lore by William Tyler Olcott

Follow the link below to view images of the making of Cassiopeia 

Click on the Cassiopeia icon in the side menu

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Cepheus the King

Cepheus the King
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"Cepheus is generally conceded to have been King of Ethiopia, the Euphratean "Cush," the husband of Cassiopeia, and the father of Andromeda.

Cepheus also figures as one of the Argonauts, the valiant band of heroes that sailed in the ship Argo in quest of the golden fleece, and was changed into a constellation at his death.

Cepheus and the constellations of the group with which he is generally associated are known as 
"the Royal Family." They also comprise the so-called circumpolar constellations, and in these latitudes never set.

 They are especially noteworthy as illustrating the ancient legend of Perseus and Andromeda, one of the best known of all the classic myths and one that has survived all ages.

It shows clearly that there was an effort made on the part of the inventor of these constellations to depict here on the imperishable scroll of heaven a drama that should survive all time. 
It is as if each constellation was but an installment of a serial story."

from Star Lore by William Tyler Olcott